Continuing Education
Advocates are required to complete a minimum of 12 hours of continuing education each year. This requirement can be met by attending workshops or trainings in the community. It can also be met through individual study, which could include: reading an article or book, watching a video or attending a presentation on a pertinent issue.
Starting in January 2022, to receive credit for your independent continuing education you must fill out the continuing education questionnaire. Once this is submitted your case supervisor will give you credit for your hours completed and track your continuing education for the year.
Let's get started!
Here are some continuing education resources:
CASA Monthly Continuing Education:
Monthly opportunities are posted in email newsletter to all volunteers, at least one opportunity will be held at the CASA office each month. Contact your case supervisor for the latest information.
CASA Video and Resource Library:
In the CASA office we have many articles, books and videos on wide ranging issues that relate to the children we help. Click the link to see our digital resource list or drop by to browse our collection.
Arizona CASA has many training resources located here:
National CASA has many resources, including:
A regular series of articles written by or for judges working with children.